

Label Pre-GDR sécurité

ThreatPredict: From Global Social and Technical Big Data to Cyber Threat Forecast
Jérôme François  1@  , Ghita Mezzour, Kathleen M. Carley, Abdelkader Lahmadi  2@  , Mounir Ghogho@
1 : MADYNES  (INRIA Nancy - Grand Est / LORIA)  -  Site web
INRIA, CNRS : UMR7503, Université de Lorraine
2 : MADYNES  (INRIA Nancy - Grand Est / LORIA)  -  Site web
INRIA, CNRS : UMR7503, Université de Lorraine

In a nutshell, ThreatPredict, a project funded by NATO Science for Peace and Security Programme and started in December 2017, aims at characterizing the relationships between security events and social and geographical related data and, using this knowledge, to finally predict future cybersecurity threats and attacks that will occur. We especially aim to improve the research community's understanding of cyber security as a socio-technical problem by analysing and describing large datasets from multiple sources.

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